Your Guide to Becoming a Prosperity Thinker

When you change your mindset, you change your actions—and your results—for good.

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Check out the reviews for some of Kim's other books:

-Nick Hutchison, Founder of BookThinkers and Bestselling Author of Rise of the Reader
"Powerful & Actionable"

Busting the Scarcity Mindset is a powerful and actionable guide that equips readers with practical strategies to transform their financial mindset, take control of their income, and create lasting abundance.

-Nick Hutchison, Founder of BookThinkers and Bestselling Author of Rise of the Reader

"Valuable Insights"

Busting the Scarcity Mindset is one of the best Financial Planning books I have read. It really starts at the core focusing on the principles that will create wealth and abundance for you.  It is designed to really get to the motivators, so that we can develop a program that reflects our priorities and our reality. While I wish I had read it 30 years ago, it has given me a new perspective on how l see my wealth. It has enabled me to refocus it to align with my beliefs and goals for the future. Kim has shared valuable insights and applied them to our finances. This book will be shared with both my family and friends.  

-Ron Bushman

-Amber Vilhauer, No Guts, No Glory Enterprises
"A Game Changer"

Busting the Scarcity Mindset is a must-read for anyone looking to break free from limiting beliefs and embrace abundance in both business and life. With insightful strategies and practical guidance, this book challenges the way we think about resources, success, and growth. A game-changer for entrepreneurs and leaders ready to shift their mindset and maximize their impact!

-Amber Vilhauer, No Guts, No Glory Enterprises

-Anthony (Tony) J. D’Angelo, Founder of Collegiate Empowerment & The Intellectual Capitalist

"Invest Your Money in This Book"

Kim ‘Busting’ Butler has done it AGAIN! This time, she kicks scarcity to the curb and empowers us all to unleash the Prosperity Thinker™ within! Each chapter is infused with powerful mindsets of abundance, challenging conventional wisdom and inspiring bold action. My personal favorite? #6: Invest in Your Growth—a game-changing reminder that investing in yourself must come first before anything else. So invest now: invest your money in this book, invest your time in reading it, and invest your energy in taking action. Do it now!

-Anthony (Tony) J. D’Angelo, Founder of Collegiate Empowerment & The Intellectual Capitalist

“Dreams go to die, when influenced by a ‘Scarcity Mindset’.

Kim Butler aspires you to bring your dreams back from the brink of death, with a new life as a ‘Prosperity Thinker’.

--Mark Bertrang, Financialoscopy Inc.

"We believe in you!"

It's really interesting to be connected with someone who has offered so much to help others. "Live Your Life Insurance" and "Busting the Life Insurance Lies" opened me up to a way I could take care of myself and (eventually, hopefully) my family that I never knew about.

Busting the Scarcity Mindset parallels an admonition I received in my personal time 7 years ago: first find out who you are, then what you do. While it has taken some time to get to the place I'm in -- a place of new growth and openness to changing old beliefs -- I know that the tools and principles within "Busting the Scarcity Mindset" will help me build the healthy, abundant mindset that I've always wanted to see made apparent in my life.

This quote really stood out to me, given the circumstances: "The challenge is knowing yourself well enough and trusting your inner guidance system enough that you can live authentically, being who you are. A lot of us compensate and try to be someone we’re not because we think that’s what we need to do to survive and advance. In survival situations this may be necessary, but most of us do not live lives of mere survival."

I love how Kim takes us through each topic, chapter by chapter, with tools, exercises and definitions in hand so that anyone committed to making a change has the means to do it. Between the Appendix and the bullet point principles, you could easily create a shorthand of "Busting the Scarcity Mindset" that you could refer to every time you need it.

Honestly, there are maxims in the book that would be great as posters, stickers, simple reminders that I can adopt every day.

I will say that, while certainly a digestible read, you won't get the full value of this book if you don't take time to do the exercises and reflections. It may be difficult t first if your mindset around money hasn't been terribly positive or supportive, but that's the purpose of the book: busting a scarcity mindset. And the only one who's going to do it is you, so do it! We believe in you!

--Anthony F.


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In Busting the Scarcity Mindset: Your Guide to Becoming a Prosperity Thinker, Kim Butler and Kristen Hugins reveal the 7 core principles that will help you shift from a scarcity mindset to a prosperity mindset. This transformative book will help you overcome limiting beliefs, attract abundance, and achieve your full potential. 

We all fall into the scarcity mindset. The key is knowing what to do to get out of it. The reason we wrote this book is to: 

  • Help you get out of the scarcity pit,

  • Give you specific steps on how to do that, 

  • Share true stories to inspire you to know what you’re capable of, and

  • Cultivate vision, possibility, and knowledge that these concepts apply to every area of your life, your money included.

In this book, we show you how to identify your values and design your life around them so you can optimize your earning, spending and investing potential. We also share key strategies for collaborating with others to exponentially increase your income and impact. When you change your mindset to one of prosperity, you change your actions—and your results—for good.


in Busting the Scarcity Mindset

The 7 core principles of a prosperity mindset

How to overcome limiting beliefs of scarcity

Strategies for attracting abundance and prosperity

Tools and techniques for creating a life you love

Quick tips at the end of each chapter for putting your new prosperity mindset into practice!


Kim Butler

Image of Kim Butler, Author of Busting the Scarcity Mindset

Kim D. H. Butler is helping Americans build wealth... WITHOUT Wall Street risks! Kim is president of Prosperity Thinkers, a personal finance firm that serves clients in all 50 states. Along with her husband Todd Langford of Truth Concepts financial software, Kim is also the co-founder of Prosperity Economics Movement.

A recognized expert on whole life insurance and financial strategies. Kim has authored paradigm-shifting books such as: Live Your Life Insurance, Busting the Life Insurance Lies, and Perpetual Wealth.

Driven to find a better way, Kim studied the commonalities between wealth builders. She observed what worked and didn't work in the real world, and found synergy between certain strategies and principles. These common principles later became the "7 Principles of Prosperity" of the Prosperity Economics Movement.

In 1999, Kim dedicated herself to the principles of Prosperity Economics. Her work as a Prosperity Economics Advisor has been recommended by financial thought leaders and authors such as Robert Kiyosaki (Rich Dad, Poor Dad), Tom Dyson, publisher of the Palm Beach Letter investment newsletter, Tom Wheelright (Tax Free Wealth), and Garrett Gunderson (Killing Sacred Cows). She has been interviewed by Robert Kiyosaki, consulted with the Palm Beach Letter, and featured on many popular podcasts, including her own — The Prosperity Podcast on iTunes.

Kristen Hugins

As the owner of Joyfull Communications, Kristen ghostwrites, co-writes, and edits books and other content for businesses and individuals who have compelling stories to tell that drive action and meaningful impact. She believes that words are powerful. When we use them wisely, we can transform each other—and the world.

With over 20 years of experience writing and creating content for businesses and organizations, it is her purpose to express joy through communication in order to help others share their gifts with the world.

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